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Friday, September 10, 2010

Have the Terrorist Muslims won?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh…….. How did this man get into office? Just watched the press conference and I’m so angry.  I can’t believe the way we defend the Muslims at our own expense. It drives me crazy.  I don’t agree with book burning of any type and I don’t care for flag burning, but I do feel that it is a form of free speech and I defend the right of people to use it as such.  Personally I don’t feel that a mosque should be built that close to ground zero, but our current president does. He justifies its construction by saying Muslims have a right under freedom of religion and expression and separation of church and state laws.  If we believe this, then when will we as Americans stand up and defend Mr. Jones of Dove World Outreach in Florida (whose actions I don’t agree with) as strongly as we defend the Muslims. 

When will we see a president stand up and say wait a minute we may not like what Mr. Jones is doing, but under our construction he has the right to do so and we must defend his right to do so Just as strongly as we defend a mosque near ground zero. Why is Obama so adamant to defend the rights of the Muslims for five minutes and dismiss and condemn those of Mr. Jones?

If we are to police our own and say to this man in Florida that what he is planning is really not a good idea then we as Americans must demand the Muslim community police their own and say it really is not a good idea to build this mosque.  I then ask myself why is what this man planning a bad idea, Am I afraid of a little book burning protest in Florida. No, my fear is for our service men overseas.  Why?

Have we become afraid of the Muslims and their protests? Have the terrorist won?  Has 9/11 allowed fear to creep into our American way of life? I stated that I think Mr. Jones protest is a bad idea because I fear American service men may be targeted. Why is this? If we have truly done our job in Iraq and Afghanistan that fear should not exist. If we fear the safety of Americans overseas because of repercussions of a small protest of a man in Florida then we are not free and the terrorist have won.   How do we get back to the non-fearful pre 9/11 days? I say get the politics out of the war.  

Political correctness has gone too far. We cannot fight a true war because it is politically incorrect to beet an enemy into submission.  WWII took 4 years and had a clear winner.  How many more lives on both sides would have been lost if we ran that war like we run them today.  You win when the enemy signs a document that says ‘we surrender’.
Oh and about Gitmo Mr. president we are not afraid triing and detaining the prisoners on U.S. soil because of escape, we know we have prisons that can hold them.  Some evidence is better presented and protected in a military environment  than in the public realm. Are you saying our military cannot give these men a fair trial?   What are you afraid of Mr. President? Stop making us look week. Terrible press conference and they said Bush was Dumb.

Oh tuff in depth questioning NBC “how would you change Washington” how high school.

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